Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My First Orgy

My First Orgy

Okay the blog isn't as good as the title...sorry. I only mean this is the first blog I'm doing in which I intend to post copies to all my blogging sites, and since some of them don't deal with html tags, I will keep those to a minimum. In case you missed it, that...the blog title...was a bit of manipulation. Sorry. I really think about stuff like that and try not to do, but I did it here to make a point.

For anyone who may not know, Myspace recently made some changes to blogs, including removing the "reply" button so you cannot respond directly to a posted comment; changed settings so the length of your comment to any blog there cannot exceed about 4 lines or so; and no longer allow the posting of videos in comments.

A most interesting reaction to the "changes" Myspace made from some members of our little "community". Some are yelling that leaving the ship won't fix the hole, we should just sit still and wait till "they" fix it. Some say we all should DEMAND that "they" fix it. Some say the ship is going down and only a fool wouldn't jump in a life boat. Some have actually literally said, "I'm going down with the ship." A few have migrated to Wordpress. Most like it but I heard one complaint that when you comment to a blog there and a notification email is sent to the owner, your IP address is shown in that email. Some will not tolerate what they consider that breach of privacy.

I don't like it but I could live with not being able to post videos in comments; I don't think I can accept not being able to reply to a specific comment or having to make several different comments in order to say what I want to say. Perhaps the Titanic is not an accurate metaphor for Myspace blogging, but I think it is. I don't think the management there gives a rat's ass what "we" think about their changes.

This situation and the one about Google's recent going evil (by signing a deal with Verizon) is really interesting to me. Many bloggers at Myspace are making demands...over 300,000 people signing a petition to Google to help uphold "net neutrality". Though I'm sure any intelligent person knows this on an academic level; still many don't seem to have it in their gut; these are all corporations. Google, Verizon, Myspace and all the others are business entities called corporations. By definition, the primary purpose and function of any corporation is to profit. None of them are "ours". They belong solely to those who hold legal title to the physical assets of the corporation and, to a lesser extent, those who own stock in the corporation.

My point is that many people seem to see the "ungoodness" of such things but perhaps don't fully accept, in that 'pit-of-the-stomach' kind of way, that virtually nothing in our world can be any other way. The world quite literally runs on money, the making of it, keeping of it, making more of it, and what may be good for people in general is, at best, a secondary concern. Of course, far greater "ungoodness" arises from the monetary system than merely getting pissed about what you can do on a blogging site. Literally tens of thousands of people die every day that comes because of the monetary system. People in Africa, especially, literally starve to death by the thousands, not because there is any shortage of food and other resources. All such resources are abundant. It's because of the monetary system. No one can do anything if it "costs too much".

There is no such thing as a "free" blog any where. All companies who offer "free" blogs must make profit to continue to exist. The blogs are generally "paid for" either by bloggers "upgrading" to paid blogs in order to have more services, or they are paid for by the management placing advertisements in your, which other companies have paid money to the blogging site to have posted.

I will continue with this line of thought in another blog.

By the way, to all of you who are not familiar with me and my kind of blogging, I suppose if you don't like them you will simply ignore them; maybe argue some, but I surely hope to shake you out of your complacency just a little tad. Please?


1 comment:

  1. You can't complain about free, that is for sure.

    My main reason for leaving MySpace several months a go was due to them not allowing links. I know they are afraid of outside viruses or competition but it made things difficult for my Dewy Tulips blog.

    I was blogging here on Blogger long before I ever heard of MySpace and simultaneously posted here so it wasn't really a big deal for me.

    I don't get as many comments here but I get just as many views. I have a counter attached to my blogs so I can keep up with that.
