Sunday, August 15, 2010

Creeping Islam

Creeping Islam

Unfortunately, there IS a "professional left", just as there is a "professional right". Just as many of "the masses" blindly follow Rush, Glenn, FauxNews, et al, so some on the left blindly follow anything that is "left" without regard for whether or not it is factually correct.

The specific Christian Crusades with the aim of regaining control of the "Holy Land" from Islam, were a series of military campaigns (mostly) sanctioned by the Catholic Church, which took place over a period of nearly 200 years from around 1095 to around 1291. There were other Crusades, some with the general aim of "compel them to come in", a "by any means necessary" approach to attempts to fulfill The Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20. Although there may be some element of this mindset still in some of the military campaigns the West wages, it is certainly no longer overt and seems to have taken a seat far in the back behind the controlling of land, oil and other resources.

Most modern 'moderate' Christians have evolved into a much more touchy-feely, new-agey variation of Christianity; most tend to point out the love of Jesus, and ignore most of the Old Testament. Relatively few take seriously the commandments in Leviticus and Deuteronomy about all kinds of things being "abominations" and killing basically anyone who does not toe the line.

Islam has not changed. It CANNOT change. It is a gross and potentially fatal error to equate Islam with Christianity, Judaism, and other religions. Islam is NOT a religion. Islam is a life. For most Western Christians, their religion is about going to church on Sunday, hearing sermons and choirs and maybe tithing, a little Bible reading, and then religion is put aside for the most part for the rest of the week, while people go about normal Western life.

In Islam, religion is merely one part; legal parts, political parts, cultural parts, educational parts also make up the life of Islam. It is impossible for a true believer in Islam to "put it aside" for a while. Islam IS life, all of it, every waking instant, and every behavior, every thought, every action of any kind is considered in the light of Islam. The notion of separation of church and state, if it existed at all, would be blasphemy punishable by death. Anyone who is in a war and is not aware that they are in a war is doomed to fail and die. Islam has been in a war with the rest of the world since Muhammad wrote the Q'uran. I doubt there will ever be a time when Islam is not at war with the rest of the world. There is zero intent in Islam to live peaceably with other religions, other cultures, certainly not with NO religion.

When NYC Mayor Bloomberg (and now Obama also) speaks of freedom of speech and freedom of worship and treats the building of a mosque as equivalent to building a church or synagogue, he shows complete ignorance of what Islam is all about. Governor Paterson of New York offered assistance to the proponents of the NYC mosque, if they would agree to move it further away from Ground Zero, in a show of understanding and toleration. Islam has no interest in understanding and toleration. This was their response. The intent of Islam, as it has been from day one, is to carry our their version of The Great Commission, which means that every human on the planet will be forced to claim to be a Muslim, or pay the Jizya or die. There are no other choices in Islam. In this sense ONLY is Islam a "religion of peace".

Throughout history there have been those who would conquer the world and be a god and rule over all. Hitler and the Nazis tried it, but his thousand year Reich was squashed within a decade. Islam is at least as dangerous, probably moreso and as an ideology has virtually infinite patience, lasting century after century. And in very large numbers in some parts of the world, always with the goal of encompassing and ruling the rest of it. There are still Nazis, of course, but their numbers are so few as not to constitute much of a threat. On the other hand, when Islam has well over a billion in numbers - nearly a fifth of the world's population - and growing daily, not to mention acquiring nuclear weapons, the world is in grave danger. How do you think WWII would have ended if Hitler had gotten nukes before we did?

Islam is not a race and people who oppose it are not racist because they oppose it. Sharia Law is a hellish nightmare of torture and death, especially for women, a literal modern version of laws akin to those of the Old Testament. In Islamic countries, you DO see dead people hanging from nooses because they were allegedly gay, or because they were allegedly adulterers. You DO see women stoned to death for the crime of having been raped. You DO see people, including children, with various hands, arms, feet and legs having been chopped off with a sword for petty crimes. You know this is true, you have seen it on television yourself. Read the tale of the Scorpion and the Frog. I assure, in all serious, Islam IS the scorpion. Do you really want to be the frog in the name of "tolerance"?

Hat tip to Catherine for finding and posting some of these videos on her blog, as well as links to the Middle East Media Research Institute and Creeping Sharia. But she is dead wrong about Obama having been born or ever being a Muslim.

Enjoy your Haraam while you can, infidel.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My First Orgy

My First Orgy

Okay the blog isn't as good as the title...sorry. I only mean this is the first blog I'm doing in which I intend to post copies to all my blogging sites, and since some of them don't deal with html tags, I will keep those to a minimum. In case you missed it, that...the blog title...was a bit of manipulation. Sorry. I really think about stuff like that and try not to do, but I did it here to make a point.

For anyone who may not know, Myspace recently made some changes to blogs, including removing the "reply" button so you cannot respond directly to a posted comment; changed settings so the length of your comment to any blog there cannot exceed about 4 lines or so; and no longer allow the posting of videos in comments.

A most interesting reaction to the "changes" Myspace made from some members of our little "community". Some are yelling that leaving the ship won't fix the hole, we should just sit still and wait till "they" fix it. Some say we all should DEMAND that "they" fix it. Some say the ship is going down and only a fool wouldn't jump in a life boat. Some have actually literally said, "I'm going down with the ship." A few have migrated to Wordpress. Most like it but I heard one complaint that when you comment to a blog there and a notification email is sent to the owner, your IP address is shown in that email. Some will not tolerate what they consider that breach of privacy.

I don't like it but I could live with not being able to post videos in comments; I don't think I can accept not being able to reply to a specific comment or having to make several different comments in order to say what I want to say. Perhaps the Titanic is not an accurate metaphor for Myspace blogging, but I think it is. I don't think the management there gives a rat's ass what "we" think about their changes.

This situation and the one about Google's recent going evil (by signing a deal with Verizon) is really interesting to me. Many bloggers at Myspace are making demands...over 300,000 people signing a petition to Google to help uphold "net neutrality". Though I'm sure any intelligent person knows this on an academic level; still many don't seem to have it in their gut; these are all corporations. Google, Verizon, Myspace and all the others are business entities called corporations. By definition, the primary purpose and function of any corporation is to profit. None of them are "ours". They belong solely to those who hold legal title to the physical assets of the corporation and, to a lesser extent, those who own stock in the corporation.

My point is that many people seem to see the "ungoodness" of such things but perhaps don't fully accept, in that 'pit-of-the-stomach' kind of way, that virtually nothing in our world can be any other way. The world quite literally runs on money, the making of it, keeping of it, making more of it, and what may be good for people in general is, at best, a secondary concern. Of course, far greater "ungoodness" arises from the monetary system than merely getting pissed about what you can do on a blogging site. Literally tens of thousands of people die every day that comes because of the monetary system. People in Africa, especially, literally starve to death by the thousands, not because there is any shortage of food and other resources. All such resources are abundant. It's because of the monetary system. No one can do anything if it "costs too much".

There is no such thing as a "free" blog any where. All companies who offer "free" blogs must make profit to continue to exist. The blogs are generally "paid for" either by bloggers "upgrading" to paid blogs in order to have more services, or they are paid for by the management placing advertisements in your, which other companies have paid money to the blogging site to have posted.

I will continue with this line of thought in another blog.

By the way, to all of you who are not familiar with me and my kind of blogging, I suppose if you don't like them you will simply ignore them; maybe argue some, but I surely hope to shake you out of your complacency just a little tad. Please?


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mosque Rant

Mosque Rant

I can't remember the last time I did a "rant" blog which means either that it's been a long time or my memory is getting worse. In any case, this one is just a rant. It's mostly about that stupid mosque in NY, and related issues I think the left has some trouble with. First, a few facts regarding that particular building...

It is a part of something called the Cordoba Initiative which was founded by a man named Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf in 2004. If you care about the issue, you would do well to read the wiki on Cordoba House. Why was it named "Cordoba"? Why have they now been trying to get it renamed to "Park 51"? Although many other things are said to be included in the proposed 13-story building, it appears that a mosque is a must. Why?

Both the left and right, at least the talking heads on TV, are way to quick to react negatively to something the alleged "other side" has said or done (Fox News and Shirley Sherrod, for example on the right -- MSNBC on the left in this issue for example), not on any merits but simply because its origin is thought to be "the other side". I think this is a stupid reaction, unworthy of any thoughtful person. One of the things the left does too much is to WAY overuse the word hate, which I think should be reserved for persons, things, or ideas who truly earn the appellation. Simply not liking a person, thing or idea does NOT equate to hating it. Although there is certainly some "hate" involved in some of the reasons that some people oppose this building, I insist there are very good reasons for opposing it. My main reason for opposing it is that I consider it a slap in the face to New York and to this country.

I do not think that because I have that mysterious disease, "Islamophobia". I do hate and loathe Islam with a passion (likewise Christianity and all such idiocies), but that is not relevant to my position on that particular mosque. I'm told there is a mosque only a couple of blocks away that has been there 30 years or more. I have no problem with that mosque or any others, any more than I have a problem with churches or synagogues. I have a very big problem with THAT mosque because I am convinced that the major reason that inclusion of THAT mosque seems non-negotiable is the same reason the original Cordoba House was built in Spain...after the Muslim conquest of Spain... a symbol of conquest.

Even though there are a handful of Christians left who try - and sometimes succeed - to kill enemies like gays and abortion doctors, and some still try to beat the demons out of loved ones, modern Christianity in the Western World bears almost no resemblance to the Christianity of three to four centuries ago. I see no reason to think this kind of evolution will ever occur in Islam, certainly not within our lifetimes. The oft-stated goal of Islam is to quit literally conquer the entire world for Allah. This means that the intent, the goal is to make every human on the planet proclaim themselves Muslim, or pay the Jizya, or die. There are no other choices. I think this will be the goal of Islam as long as Islam exists.

According to a story published last year, "...there are around 85 Sharia courts currently operating in Britain, of which merely a dozen work within the British legal system." Source. Really? How many Sharia courts are in the US so far? I'm not aware of any. Yet. But remember the flap with Muslims demanding Facebook adhere to Sharia Law? Source.

Islam is not "just" a religion in the sense that most modern religions are practiced today. Islam is about absolute control of every facet of life, cultural, political, religious, economic, and everything else you can think of. There is NO "tolerance" in Islam except when a superior power enforces it. Islam is a very real "Borg". You will be assimilated or annihilated. I don't think that the passage of lifetimes and generations and centuries and millennia does anything to dilute this in any way. To the mujahid martyr, it is irrelevant whether world domination is achieved in his lifetime or whether he is blessed to die in the service of that goal.

I had hoped to read a "presentation" the aforementioned Imam made in 2007, called "The Role of Islamic States in a Globalized World." Interfaith Dialogue Against the Secularization of Nature, Moral Values and Politics. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institute of Islamic Understanding – Malaysia, July 17-18, 2007. mentioned on this page, but I could find no link. "...Dialogue Against ...Secularization..."? Really? How welcome do you think non-believers might be if Islam ruled? I did find something called the Iranian Secular Society over on the Facepalm. A glimmer of hope! But it seems the society is based in the UK. Surprise.

I'm not completely ignorant of the past history of Islam. I know there was a kind of "enlightenment" period in which many Islamic scholars made great contributions to science and medicine, etc. There were voices of reason...check out al-Razi on religion. But that was like... a thousand years ago.

Can the proposed mosque be stopped? Highly unlikely. I think that was a consideration as well. As far as I can tell there is nothing that could legally be done to prevent it. It's private property. They can build whatever they like. Nothing short of the government invoking eminent domain could probably stop it. That's about as likely as a visit from Marvin the Martian. I can hope that I am wrong about the future course of Islam. Is this hope? I look at some European countries which, in their eagerness to embrace "tolerance" and multiculturalism, even consider Sharia law...and I REALLY hope I'm wrong. As an atheist I'd much rather deal with the Christianity we currently have than the Islam of the Middle East.

Tolerance is a great a point. To the point where you become a doormat.

"Consider the source" is usually good is "Don't shoot the messenger".

And now for something completely retro... I used to correspond often with a feller who is an anarchist and a bit of a Luddite and I read his magazine. Somehow we lost touch and I recently discovered that someone has done a wiki page on both Fred Woodworth and The Match! Irony.


Friday, August 6, 2010

So how does it look if you add a whole line of text under the video and what can I do about the sidebar gadgets, etc.?